Project name: Energy Efficiency Comprehensive Project in Virgen de la Poveda Hospital, Madrid
Brief description: In 2015 Creara was awarded the development of a comprehensive energy efficiency project at the Virgen de la Poveda Hospital, in Madrid. The project included an integral energy audit to detect energy saving measures focused on the reduction of energy consumption, the implementation of detected saving measures and the subsequent management of these assets.
From the beginning, the contract was framed in accordance with an energy services project (ESCO), where the energy savings that the new installation would entail would be used to pay for the return on investment. This led to the need for a plan to measure and verify these energy savings.
At present, Creara continues to manage the energy consumption of the installation in order to maintain the calculated levels of energy saving consumption.
Measures implemented:Replacement of the LED lighting system, installation of flow reducers, thermal insulation of pipes, heat exchangers and pumps, installation of heat recovery systems in the chimneys of steam boilers, replacement of two chillers, replacement of burners in the boilers with modulating equipment, disconnection of air conditioning terminal elements in unused areas, power adjustment in impulsion pumps, etc.
Results achieved: savings of 30% of consumption were achieved, equivalent to 100,000 euros/year.