Type:Horizon 2020 Coordination and Support Action
Countries: Germany, Italy, Lithuania and Spain
Duration: 2019-2022
RenonBill’s overall objective is to scale up investments towards deep energy renovations of residential buildings by promoting the development and implementation of on-bill financing schemes, based on the cooperation between energy utilities and financial institutions.
To reach these objectives, the consortium has designated four Ren-on-Bill focus countries, which are Germany, Italy, Lithuania and Spain.
Creara is the RenonBill project coordinator In addition, Creara is leading the strategic development of business models addressing residential building energy renovations, aiming to adapt the different typologies of on-bill schemes to the diverse conditions of the different national markets present in Europe.
Results achieved
The first steps of the project were oriented to research the framework conditions the barriers and the existing examples of on-bill schemes across Europe and beyond In addition, national stakeholder platforms in the four focus countries (involving energy utilities, financial institutions, ESCOs and installers, homeowners and tenants and policy makers) have been set up. The project has developed and validated a methodology for evaluating energy efficiency investments, including a risk assessment and rating (a related web –based tool is being implemented). Partner utilities have been working on the development of their strategies to set up on-bill offers.In parallel, Creara has led the development of the on-bill schemes utility business model guidelines.
Project website: https://www.renonbill.eu/